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On September 28, 2022, a seminar on "Deepening and Innovating Budget Performance Management" hosted by China Development Research Foundation (CDRF) was held in Beijing.


Deputy Secretary-General Xiaoqing Wen led team visiting Guangzhou for researching the progress of Budget Performance Management Pilot Departments on May 9-12. Prof Niu Meili from School of Government of Sun Yat-sen University also joined the research team


CDRF completes in 2012 the Performance Evaluation Project of Special Fund for the Transformation of Jiaozuo as a Resource-exhausted City, a program entrusted by the Finance Bureau of Jiaozuo City, Henan Province. The Finance Bureau of Jiaozuo City ...


In the year 2011, the Public Budgeting and Financial Performance Program was launched on the basis of two existing CDRF programs, namely the Public Budgeting Reform Program and Government Performance Management Reform, which indicated a new stage...


Initiated in 2005, the Research Program of Public Budgeting Reform is a comprehensive program integrating research, training, local pilots and international conferences. It aimed to promote the research of public budgeting and get the public...


The Research Program of Government Performance Management Reform was launched in 2006, aiming to promote Chinese government performance management reform by policy research and international communication. CDRF held two international conferences of...

Guangzhou Government Performance-based Budgeting Improvement Program co-sponsored by the CDRF and the School of Public Policy and Management of Tsinghua University, took place on September 19-23, 2016. A total of 26 officials from the main business ...

During July 26-27, 2016, a delegation of the CDRF and Guangzhou Municipal Finance Bureau visited Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, to conduct a survey on the progress in the performance-based budgeting program across the province and in Jiaozuo City...

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