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“Rural Child Development Demonstration Zone” in the Bijie pilot area wins charity award

December 15, 2022. CDRF’s “Rural Child Development Demonstration Zone” project in the Bijie pilot area won the Phoenix News Action League award for ten most innovative philanthropic project of the year. The charity event was held online and was attended by leaders from philanthropy, academic, creative, media, arts and culture and business sectors to witness the announcement of several annual awards. (link: https://ishare.ifeng.com/c/s/v002moUoX1NwefsX14I2o-_3w7CvQp-_FUigTKpqOX4lhQT7A__)

the “Rural Child Development Demonstration Zone” project in the Bijie pilot area aims to comprehensively implement a life-cycle pilot program from birth to employment for all children in Bijie, Guizhou.