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The 3rd (2007)


The 3rd China Executive Leadership Program sponsored by the CDRF (one of the sponsors) took place from July 3, 2007 to July 29, 2007. Participants were all senior executives (general managers or deputy general managers) from large SOEs in aerospace, equipment manufacturing, energy and power, automobile, finance, telecommunications, trade and other industries. The four-week program was offered in Beijing, Cambridge University (UK) and Copenhagen Business School (Denmark) successively.

This program was improved based on the previous experiences to make it more relevant. Participants were required to discuss different theories and practices from different angles and were provided with an opportunity to communicate face to face with chairmen and presidents of world-leading companies in their respective industry as well as world-renowned scholars from the University of Cambridge and other academic institutions. They further broadened their horizons by examining and comparing the experiences of different countries in development models, corporate governance, enterprise innovation and other fields, analyzing and assessing the rationality and objectivity of different views and discussing the best way to integrate theories and practices.